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download fasterefox bro...
Most of you have heard and tried the popular Firefox Extension - Fasterfox, but have you tried the even better Fastererfox?
Fastererfox is a tweaked version of Fasterfox that allows you to improve your surfing speeds even faster (especially to regularly visited sites) with some new features, contained in a new Tab called “Thrash” which you can find in the options settings.
The 3 new features given by Fastererfox are
1. The ability to force pages to be prefetched, ignoring webmasters attempts to stop Fastererfox
2. A choice of dynamically created pages to cache (ASP, ASP .NET, JSP, STM). Quite often many dynamically written pages are fairly static and can be cached
3. The maximum number of links to preload on current page. This is set to a maximum of 100 by default and can be set to a higher value
Another thing improved in this extension is the status bar which will now give you even more information than just the time the page took to load!
Most of you have heard and tried the popular Firefox Extension - Fasterfox, but have you tried the even better Fastererfox?
Fastererfox is a tweaked version of Fasterfox that allows you to improve your surfing speeds even faster (especially to regularly visited sites) with some new features, contained in a new Tab called “Thrash” which you can find in the options settings.
The 3 new features given by Fastererfox are
1. The ability to force pages to be prefetched, ignoring webmasters attempts to stop Fastererfox
2. A choice of dynamically created pages to cache (ASP, ASP .NET, JSP, STM). Quite often many dynamically written pages are fairly static and can be cached
3. The maximum number of links to preload on current page. This is set to a maximum of 100 by default and can be set to a higher value
Another thing improved in this extension is the status bar which will now give you even more information than just the time the page took to load!
agustaff- KOLONEL
Jumlah posting : 49
Age : 40
Location : Denpasar - Bali - Indonesia
Job/hobbies : Maintenance Management Officer
Humor : penjahat kelamin ckikikiki
Mig33 Nick : agustaff
Reputation : 0
Registration date : 17.01.09
sering membuat jengkel bagi semua orang, kita mau browsing kok lelet, mau chatting aja kadang dc (disconnect / terputus-putus), apalagi mau upload luamanya minta ampun, atau main game online deh, kok nge-lag / freeze, dan setidaknya niiy yang sering dilakuin yakni : DOWNLOAD, iya download apa aja deh yang ada di internet kok masik lambat kaya bekicot.
Nah kalau anda belum membaca artikel sebelumnya yang sudah dibahas sehubungan dengan mempercepat dan mempercepat: internet cdma, seputar jaringan sinyal, modem/handphone cdma, bermasalah dengan dns anda, browser apa yang cepat, pemercepat dan penghematan kuota bandwith internet, selengkapnya dapat dicari di dalam category TWEAK INTERNET SPEED, boleh dibaca dulu sehingga semua bisa digabungkan menjadi ramuan tweaking yang dahsyat.
Naah SEKARANG waktunya pembahasan software lainnya yang dahsyat efeknya, menggunakan traffic shaping yaitu : cFosSpeed.
Buat kamu yang mania download-in video di youtube, sering pake VoIP, ataupun Skype, download musik mp3, games, freeware dll di internet, ataupun sering main game online, BUT koneksi internet anda masih slow / lemot-lelet-dan luambaat, anda bisa mencoba accelerator software yang satu ini.
>>Sebelum menginstall dan menggunakannya ada baiknya kita memahami dulu:
Apa itu cFosSpeed Traffic Shaping Accelerator software ? terus, Bagaimana Cara Kerja nya ? benar akan mempercepat Internet Speed? Apa aja kelebihannya ? TERUS.. Bagaimana proses Install, cara Setting, dan lainnya?
Waduuhh banyak banget, mari dibahas satu persatu …
>> About cFosSpeed
Sebelumnya mari kita baca penjelasan dari official webnya
cFosSpeed uses Traffic Shaping is best for
* Broadband: DSL, Cable
* Narrow band: modem, ISDN
* Mobile
* Filesharing (P2P)
* Games
* Streaming Media, VoIP
>> Lah terus Traffic Shaping itu gimana?
How does Traffic Shaping work?
cFos Traffic Shaping reduces delays during data transfer and allows you to surf the Internet up to three times faster. So you can use the full bandwidth of your connection!
During TCP/IP transfer, a certain amount of data needs to be confirmed upon reception before more can be sent. Stalling data confirmation results in delays and transfer-rate slowdowns, thus forcing the sender to wait. Especially for DSL and cable, it is possible to slow a download to a crawl by choking the upstream channel (which has the smaller bandwidth anyway) with an upload. This is because in such a scenario there is not enough upstream bandwidth left for data confirmation.
The standard solution so far has been to try and compensate for this by increasing TCP window size, thereby allowing more data to be sent without immediate confirmation. The main problem here is that this also leads to high ping times (latency) and significant delays during Webpage rendering. Latency of up to 2 seconds is not uncommon for TCP windows with a size of 64k. In short, huge window sizes just won´t let you achieve full download speed.
By contrast, cFos Traffic Shaping prioritizes data traffic in such a fashion that important packets zip past regular packets. This way, receipts always arrive in time, and uploads won’t ever choke your broadband connection again! cFos Traffic-Shaping technology recognizes a number of important packet types and prioritizes them not only to keep Internet traffic running smoothly but also to ensure particularly low ping times. This not only accelerates surfing and download speeds significantly, but it is also a decisive advantage for online gaming.
>>Berikut gambaran proses yang terjadi :
Tweak Internet Speed with cFosSpeed - normal data transfer
Normal data transfer:
Data reception needs to be confirmed (ACKnowledgment packets) before new data can be sent.
Tweak Internet Speed with cFosSpeed - no traffic shaping
No Traffic Shaping:
ACK packets are stalled and delayed by a simultaneous upload. As a result, the download is slowed down as well.
cFos Traffic Shaping:
ACK packets are prioritized in the upstream, allowing the download to continue at maximum speed.
Jadi singkatnya, selama TCP/IP transfer, sejumlah data harus dikonfirmasikan terlebih dahulu sebelum data selanjutnya akan dikirim. Nah konfirmasi ini biasanya membutuhkan suatu waktu (delay), yang terkadang membikin arus aliran data tersebut ‘pending’ atau bisa tidak lancar / lambat.
Nah dengan cFos Traffic Shaping, paket-paket data yang penting akan diprioritaskan. Lihat pada gambar diatas , perbedaannya memakai traffic shaping dan tidak.
Kelebihan nya Dan masalah settingan yang mana yang mendapat “Higher Priority”, bisa di setting sendiri pada software tersebut.
>> HW yang sudah mencobanya, menilai settingan cFosSpeed ini sangat mudah diatur, karena dibagi dalam banyak kategori antara lain VoIP, Media Streaming, Games, File Sharing dan lain lain, tinggal di set saja ke “Lowest / Low / Normal / HIGH / HIGHER” Priority.
Adapun Settingan “Higher” biasanya digunakan untuk VoIP (Voice=over-IP) ataupun games. Settingan “High” cocok untuk games, streamed media. “Low” untuk server / FTP data. Semua bisa di set sesuai kebutuhan. Enaknya disini.
>> cFosSpeed 3x FASTER :
Karena cFosSpeed telah memperlancar aliran paket data, file sharing (p2p). Maka DOWNLOAD speed akan semakin cepat. Efek Transfer rate dari cFosSpeed memberikan loading times 3x lebih cepat dibandingkan standard drivernya XP. Berikut perbandingannya dalam membuka dan :
Tweak Internet Speed with cFosSpeed - loading times
>> Selain itu dengan pengoptimalannya tersebut, keuntungannya yaitu penggunaan bandwith kita juga lebih hemat.
Jadi apabila anda belum menggunakannya boleh langsung dicoba dan dirasakan sendiri kehebatan software pemercepat download speed ini, pemercepat transfer rate, untuk banyak kebutuhan baik juga untuk download, browsing, main game online dan lain-lainnya. Untuk mendownloadnya, bisa ke situs official nya di:
hummmmppp met download N mencoba
Nah kalau anda belum membaca artikel sebelumnya yang sudah dibahas sehubungan dengan mempercepat dan mempercepat: internet cdma, seputar jaringan sinyal, modem/handphone cdma, bermasalah dengan dns anda, browser apa yang cepat, pemercepat dan penghematan kuota bandwith internet, selengkapnya dapat dicari di dalam category TWEAK INTERNET SPEED, boleh dibaca dulu sehingga semua bisa digabungkan menjadi ramuan tweaking yang dahsyat.
Naah SEKARANG waktunya pembahasan software lainnya yang dahsyat efeknya, menggunakan traffic shaping yaitu : cFosSpeed.
Buat kamu yang mania download-in video di youtube, sering pake VoIP, ataupun Skype, download musik mp3, games, freeware dll di internet, ataupun sering main game online, BUT koneksi internet anda masih slow / lemot-lelet-dan luambaat, anda bisa mencoba accelerator software yang satu ini.
>>Sebelum menginstall dan menggunakannya ada baiknya kita memahami dulu:
Apa itu cFosSpeed Traffic Shaping Accelerator software ? terus, Bagaimana Cara Kerja nya ? benar akan mempercepat Internet Speed? Apa aja kelebihannya ? TERUS.. Bagaimana proses Install, cara Setting, dan lainnya?
Waduuhh banyak banget, mari dibahas satu persatu …
>> About cFosSpeed
Sebelumnya mari kita baca penjelasan dari official webnya
cFosSpeed uses Traffic Shaping is best for
* Broadband: DSL, Cable
* Narrow band: modem, ISDN
* Mobile
* Filesharing (P2P)
* Games
* Streaming Media, VoIP
>> Lah terus Traffic Shaping itu gimana?
How does Traffic Shaping work?
cFos Traffic Shaping reduces delays during data transfer and allows you to surf the Internet up to three times faster. So you can use the full bandwidth of your connection!
During TCP/IP transfer, a certain amount of data needs to be confirmed upon reception before more can be sent. Stalling data confirmation results in delays and transfer-rate slowdowns, thus forcing the sender to wait. Especially for DSL and cable, it is possible to slow a download to a crawl by choking the upstream channel (which has the smaller bandwidth anyway) with an upload. This is because in such a scenario there is not enough upstream bandwidth left for data confirmation.
The standard solution so far has been to try and compensate for this by increasing TCP window size, thereby allowing more data to be sent without immediate confirmation. The main problem here is that this also leads to high ping times (latency) and significant delays during Webpage rendering. Latency of up to 2 seconds is not uncommon for TCP windows with a size of 64k. In short, huge window sizes just won´t let you achieve full download speed.
By contrast, cFos Traffic Shaping prioritizes data traffic in such a fashion that important packets zip past regular packets. This way, receipts always arrive in time, and uploads won’t ever choke your broadband connection again! cFos Traffic-Shaping technology recognizes a number of important packet types and prioritizes them not only to keep Internet traffic running smoothly but also to ensure particularly low ping times. This not only accelerates surfing and download speeds significantly, but it is also a decisive advantage for online gaming.
>>Berikut gambaran proses yang terjadi :
Tweak Internet Speed with cFosSpeed - normal data transfer
Normal data transfer:
Data reception needs to be confirmed (ACKnowledgment packets) before new data can be sent.
Tweak Internet Speed with cFosSpeed - no traffic shaping
No Traffic Shaping:
ACK packets are stalled and delayed by a simultaneous upload. As a result, the download is slowed down as well.
cFos Traffic Shaping:
ACK packets are prioritized in the upstream, allowing the download to continue at maximum speed.
Jadi singkatnya, selama TCP/IP transfer, sejumlah data harus dikonfirmasikan terlebih dahulu sebelum data selanjutnya akan dikirim. Nah konfirmasi ini biasanya membutuhkan suatu waktu (delay), yang terkadang membikin arus aliran data tersebut ‘pending’ atau bisa tidak lancar / lambat.
Nah dengan cFos Traffic Shaping, paket-paket data yang penting akan diprioritaskan. Lihat pada gambar diatas , perbedaannya memakai traffic shaping dan tidak.
Kelebihan nya Dan masalah settingan yang mana yang mendapat “Higher Priority”, bisa di setting sendiri pada software tersebut.
>> HW yang sudah mencobanya, menilai settingan cFosSpeed ini sangat mudah diatur, karena dibagi dalam banyak kategori antara lain VoIP, Media Streaming, Games, File Sharing dan lain lain, tinggal di set saja ke “Lowest / Low / Normal / HIGH / HIGHER” Priority.
Adapun Settingan “Higher” biasanya digunakan untuk VoIP (Voice=over-IP) ataupun games. Settingan “High” cocok untuk games, streamed media. “Low” untuk server / FTP data. Semua bisa di set sesuai kebutuhan. Enaknya disini.
>> cFosSpeed 3x FASTER :
Karena cFosSpeed telah memperlancar aliran paket data, file sharing (p2p). Maka DOWNLOAD speed akan semakin cepat. Efek Transfer rate dari cFosSpeed memberikan loading times 3x lebih cepat dibandingkan standard drivernya XP. Berikut perbandingannya dalam membuka dan :
Tweak Internet Speed with cFosSpeed - loading times
>> Selain itu dengan pengoptimalannya tersebut, keuntungannya yaitu penggunaan bandwith kita juga lebih hemat.
Jadi apabila anda belum menggunakannya boleh langsung dicoba dan dirasakan sendiri kehebatan software pemercepat download speed ini, pemercepat transfer rate, untuk banyak kebutuhan baik juga untuk download, browsing, main game online dan lain-lainnya. Untuk mendownloadnya, bisa ke situs official nya di:
hummmmppp met download N mencoba
agustaff- KOLONEL
Jumlah posting : 49
Age : 40
Location : Denpasar - Bali - Indonesia
Job/hobbies : Maintenance Management Officer
Humor : penjahat kelamin ckikikiki
Mig33 Nick : agustaff
Reputation : 0
Registration date : 17.01.09
untuk semua jenis HP to?????????
Jumlah posting : 29
Age : 39
Location : Surabaya
Reputation : 0
Registration date : 16.03.09
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